Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹, I'm Ilham Syah


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ilham syah

About me

Call me Ilham

My Name is Muhammad Ilham Sahputra an Web developer with a strong willed personality who always strives to achieve the best, he has good analytical skills to solve a problem and is a person who is easy to adapt to new environments and is quick to learn new things

Let's be friends with me

Contact me if you need my services, i'm on instagram and linkedin or my email at the bottom of the page can also click the contact me


Recent Project

Some of the projects I've worked on โค

Alquran Online

Alquran online Rest Api Jquery


Inventory System

Inventory system CV. Sukses Jaya Mandiri


Visitor Counter System

Monitoring visitor body temperature data (Internet of Things)


Smart Onion Garden

Monitoring the soil ph of onion plants (Internet of Things)


Payroll System

website-based employee payroll system



Technology Resources Information System